Chateau de Versailles

Travel & Cathedral de Notre Dame Exterior

Musee d'Orsay & Les Invalides

Musee Louvre & Musee Cluny

Cathedral de Notre Dame Interior & Saint Chapelle

Eiffel Tower & Arc De Triomphe

Musee Picasso & Cimetiere du Pere Lachaisees

Saint Germain Des Pres, Saint Suplice, Fountain Suplice & Musee Rodin

The Pantheon of the Nation & Musee Carnivalet

PhotoJam - Best_of_Paris

Our Hotel Room in the Hotel Agora Saint Germain

Terminal Collapse at Charles De Gaulle Airport

Eiffel Tower & Arc De Triomphe


We had a light day scheduled for today. We left the hotel around 1100. We got Pain Aux Chocolait at the patiserre (pastry shop) around the corner from the hotel and hit the road. We went down about 8 subway stops. We stopped at a park about 2 blocks from the Eiffel Tower and ate our breakfast.


We got to the Eiffel Tower around noon. We came into the park around the north pier. I took a few shots around and under the base. I walked back as far as I could in the grassy area on the southwest side of the tower in Camps de Mars park. I could have gotten back a little further but you could not get on that grass and I did not want the image to be off center.


Dick did not feel up the 360 steps up to the first level. It was quite a hike. Nothing to show you how out of shape you are than that many flights of stairs. Apparently, there is an elevator up to the first level, but I did not see it anywhere near where I paid my €3.50 to enter and up the stairs I went.


It was quite a hike up to the first level. They had a couple of areas that went around the entire structure. I took several pictures of the skyline and the parks below.


I knew I could take the elevator up to the second level. The guy at the ticket window more or less told me as much. He said I had to get the ticket to the second level on the first level. After make my rounds to get my pictures, I proceeded to walk around the level a few more times until  I FINALLY found the ticket area.


It seems like they made things harder than they needed to be because I was reading all of the signs as I walked around and the only way I finally found it was by reversing direction and approaching the south leg in the opposite direction. There was the ticket machine tucked under the south pier.


I paid my €3.30 for the elevator ride from the first level to the second level. The first time I went to take a picture on the ride up, all my camera did was beep. More than once. I flipped open the camera screen and saw the dreaded 'this card cannot be used' message. I have seen this on occasion with this camera and my previous ones. The solution seems to be to turn off the camera, take out the compact flash card, reinsert it, and turn the camera back on. It is an intermittent, occasional, easily remedied problem but very annoying

in situations like this one where I simply missed shots.


Once on the second level, I again got some nice shots of the skyline and the immediate area. By this time an hour had passed, I did not want to have to figure the ticket situation, so I decided it was time to go.


We next went to the Arc de Triomphe. This did not take too long to walk around, look at everything, take my pictures and move on. You walk up 288 steps to the higher level but I was not up to it. I was pleased with what I got so we headed out off for lunch.


We ate at MacDonald's. I got a Menu Grand Royale Bacon Maxi (Quarter Pounder Value meal, super size). It was €5.80). The food was similar (but not exactly) the same. The bacon was more like ham or Canadian bacon and they had some kind of ranch sauce for the fries. It was adequate, not spectacular by any means, but hey, it was just MacDonald's.


We got back to the hotel at 1540. It took about 45 minutes to off load, rotate and autobalance the 242 pictures taken today.


We headed out to attend an Organ Recital by 24-year old Canadian Vincent Dubois at Notre Dame. On the way there, we saw our saw accident during our time in Paris. The first happened on Saturday night.  We saw a small white van turn right and a guy on a bicycle go down. It was a very slow speed accident and we could not tell if the van cut in front of the bicyclist or the van just clipped the bicyclist as he went by. The guy on the back jumped up unhurt and gave the guy a few a choice words. He walked away and the bike was not seriously damaged. We witnessed the second accident in its entirety. We were waiting to cross over to Notre Dame coming down Rue St. Bernadins. We were watching traffic on our right moving off after a stop light. I woman in the third lane tried to make a right across two lanes of traffic. A woman in a Renault crashed right into the right passenger door of the car making the highly illegal right hand turn. The Renault was not visibly damaged. The turning car had the whole door caved in. Neither that door nor the window will ever open again.


Now, we headed over to Notre Dame and the Organ Recital. We got in line around 2000 and entered the Cathedral around 2020. We were 15th or 20th in line. We paid €15.00 for the concert. The three featured pieces were Deuxieme Symphonie en mi, opus 20, 1920 by Lois Viernce, Scherzo Opus 2 by Maurice Durufle, and Evocation Opus, 1941, by Marcel Dupre. It was quite impressive to hear and feel the huge pipe organ in Notre Dame really get cranking. You can feel it in your body and your bones. The organ is so huge you can hear the separation between certain notes because of the distance between them. The echoes lasted from 3 to 5 seconds and certain volumes.


We did not eat dinner until 2230, far later than normal. We had dinner at a fast Chinese restaurant. I had rice with chicken and cillantro peppers. Dick had the rice with cashew chicken. The price for both was €21.00 and it was pretty tasty.


I worked on my notes for the day and started working on putting together a web page for the trip. While flipping through the channels, I saw the were showing the NASCAR Nextel Cup race from Richmond that ran last Saturday night. I started watching around lap 117 around midnight. They did not show pit stops and the skipped a lot of laps, but I got to see maybe 150-200 laps of the race. NASCAR is truly international when an American can watch in Paris with German narration. Who’d'a thunk it?!?!?!? On top of that, my favorite driver, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. won the race. It was 0100 and time to go to bed.

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David W. Dawley

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