Chateau de Versailles

Travel & Cathedral de Notre Dame Exterior

Musee d'Orsay & Les Invalides

Musee Louvre & Musee Cluny

Cathedral de Notre Dame Interior & Saint Chapelle

Eiffel Tower & Arc De Triomphe

Musee Picasso & Cimetiere du Pere Lachaisees

Saint Germain Des Pres, Saint Suplice, Fountain Suplice & Musee Rodin

The Pantheon of the Nation & Musee Carnivalet

PhotoJam - Best_of_Paris

Our Hotel Room in the Hotel Agora Saint Germain

Terminal Collapse at Charles De Gaulle Airport












Travel & Cathedral de Notre Dame Exterior


Our cab to Tampa International Airport arrived on time @ 1400. Cost was $10 for both of us. The lines at the counter were very short. We were on the plane by 1530. Our flight took off at 1545. Our flight to Miami was only 38 minutes. I went out for a last chance smoke. It took 15 minutes to get back through security. Even so, I still had 45 minutes before boarding started.


We got a personal pizza at Pizza Hut for $3.89 and $2.29 for a 20 oz. Coke. Our only other choice was Sara Lee muffins & rolls. So far, so good. We were surprised that there were no currency exchange in either airports. We will have to wait until we get to Paris to exchange our dollars for euros. I was surprised when after about an hour after our departure from Miami, I noticed some land out the airplane window. It was the Bahamas Islands.


There were no individual video screens on the seatbacks as there were on the Virgin  Atlantic flight to London last year. Our flight has a scheduled 1900 departure time and it was met. We arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport at 0933 Friday morning.


We called for our ride from our ride from the airport to the hotel while we were waiting for our luggage. We finally made it outside around 1030. We got to the Agora Saint Germain at around 1100. Our room would not be ready until 1400.


We headed down to Notre Dame which was only a few blocks away. We walked around the outside and took quite a few pictures including a picture of a large statue of St. Charlemagne. We ate a Sandwich Mixte €5.20) which was little more then hard bread, some kind of meat (I later found out it was farmhouse ham) and cheese. It was tasty.


We immediately had power issues. I expected the power converter to step down the power from 220 to 110. It did not. I popped my multiple outlet strip a couple of times, knocking out power to the entire room. We had to go to the front desk to get the breaker reset. Luckily, the battery chargers for the camera and laptop batteries are dual mode (220/110) so it should not be that bad.


I will not be able to synch the iPaq and laptop because of the Outlook issues. I suspect the problem may be with the folders I have on the network. I expected Outlook to complain, but still open. It does not. I was having the same kinds of problems in Richmond.


Paris is the shortest city by far that I have ever visited. By this I mean that the buildings are very low. Most are in the 6-8 story range. I saw the reason on a show about the history of Paris. First, there were restrictions placed on building heights in the 1800s. The city planners wanted a consistent look and feel to the city.


Additionally, they originally excavated the limestone for the buildings from underground in the city itself and they excavated further for the catacombs. The ground underneath is like Swiss cheese, making in unsuitable for supporting larger skyscrapers.


We ate dinner at Cafe Bibi. I had Ghourmet Sabzib (rice, herbs, veil). It was €11.50 while the .25 liter Heineken was €3.00). We looked at our plans for tomorrow and called it a night around 2130. We watched (strange) TV for a while and went to sleep.

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